When my son Billy arrived, we spent the majority of those first weeks and months in one position; me sat in a rocking chair with him curled up at my chest, perched lightly on a nursing pillow. I would study him curiously for hours and take in all of his little details, amazed that my body had created such a perfect little being. I pondered over each milk spot, his paper thin fingernails, and my favourite detail of all, the fluffy tufts of soft, downy hair on the back of his ears. 

I vowed to write a diary for him capturing every moment, but when the time came to put pen to paper, I’d find it incredibly hard to accurately articulate my emotions. As I became more and more swept up in the day to day life of being a mum, my thoughtful plan eventually fell to the wayside. They say a photo speaks a thousand words and I wish to this day I’d snapped a little shot of those beautiful fluffy ears!

Through my photography, I aim to capture the tiny details that make your heart burst with love. The things you can’t seem to put into words and never want to forget. 

Stevie x